Comenius project – our approach to reaching our targets

Our school is involved in a Comenius project for the next two years. we will try to DISCOVER OUR HIDDEN SKILLS joining our partners from Czech Republic, Lithuania, Turkey, Bulgaria, Poland and Spain. To prepare our children for a better future by activating all the activities which will support their spiritual and physical developments with the inductive method.


1. Leadership trainings

Communication skills training Discussion programmes (between the individuals and the groups) Oratory practices (improving speech applications to the community) Critical thinking applications (films, books, critics about the pictorial art) Skill games (the demonstrations in which each individual exhibits his/her skills)

2. Career Days

Local Administrators’, Political and Administrative Decision Makers’, popular artists and sportsmen, celebrities in the media and business life story telling

3. Artistic, sporting and cultural activities

  • Drawing competitions
  • Composition competition
  • Poem writing and reading competitions
  • Football, basketball, volleyball, chess competitions
  • Songs and folk songs, dance performances
  • Theatrical demonstrations
  • Playing the musical instruments
  • Making the book of stories

4. Language activities

Making English courses.


Our approach to reaching our targets

Our project has been planned to discover our children’s hidden skills and to improve those skills, and to help them with their participations as highly self-confident individuals. Some of the activities require outer supports. Participant establishments will provide these supports from the other establishments in their regions. Especially on career days, performances, the participation of the political and administrative decision makers, popular artists, sportsmen, journalists and businessmen will be provided.

Supposed contests in the activities will be organized to provide opportunity for participating of all students by the participant establisments. The selected committee are formed of the popular people in the region will take care of these contests. The students will be given responsibilities for planning and carrying out various contests for the administrative activities.